I spend the weekend ...: I watch movies, plan my next week!
Been abroad: yes
English level: fluent
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Aim of acquaintance
Family Creation
About me
I want to wake up from kisses and fall asleep from love exhaustion with my beloved man. But to achieve this, you need to go through many difficulties. But I'm not afraid of this, because I am sure that long kilometers are not an obstacle for great love! I am a smart, beautiful, very kind, sincere woman. My appearance is not my greatest pride. Write to me and you will find out how beautiful my inner world is! I'm ready for anything new. I ALSO DREAM OF TRAVELING A LOT! Will you be my partner?
About my partner
For me, age does not matter, love all ages are submissive !!
I hope you will appreciate all my qualities, be serious about the meeting, do not hesitate to take counter steps and just be a real man !! I want to find on this website a true, loving and sincere man who in the real world will look at me with sincere eyes filled with love and passion