Ukrainian single girl Irina

About me
If you want to know me well, you'll have to watch an old Russian movie, Moscow Does Not Trust Tears. The irony of it is that my daughter's name is also Alexandra. If you haven't watched this movie, we'll watch it together one day. Cuddling of course. People who know me say that I'm pretty, witty and very smart. And the same people ask me why I am alone haha. I'm alone because I'm a very emotional person and I can't fake feelings. If I like someone I go for it. If I dislike someone then nothing in the world will make me be with this person. I live with my feelings, I'm moved with my feelings and I feel deeply for comfort in my life. I need to wake up and go crazy about the man who sleeps next to me and I'm not agreeing to less. I love traveling, I love learning new languages, I love to spend time with my daughter and I love to laugh. I can't imagine my life with no laughs. That's who I am. And you will have to enjoy every day of our life together. And that is something I want to find on this dating site.
About my partner
Looking for the best man in the world. And no, he's not Prince Charming. He's someone who knows how to comfort a woman. He's the man who doesn't leave me in hard times. He's the one who knows what to do with a tactile partner. He's my everything, because he calls me when he misses me and tells me how much he loves me. No, I don't want to hear I love you once in my life. I want to hear it often with many more sweet words of love. And that's how I'm going to spend my life with the best man in the world. He will be the best in my eyes and it's all that matters to me.