I spend the weekend ...: I love drawing and photography and often do it outdoors.
Been abroad: Yes, many times
English level: speak at a good level
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Aim of acquaintance
I want to be the woman who will conquer your heart and make you treat me not only seriously, but also tenderly and with complete devotion.
About me
On this dating website I would like to openly show my nature as a predatory panther who achieves her goals and see if there is a man here who will appreciate my hot nature and temperament. I have the heart of an angel, but this does not make me boring. There is a fire burning in my heart and I want my future partner to support this fire.
About my partner
My partner, whom I came to pick up from this dating website, must have gotten tired of waiting for his perfect woman. So I decided to make his dream come true and finally register. My partner knows what he wants in his life. Family is the most important value for him, and his beloved woman in my person is his closest friend and advisor.