single girl Veronika

Aim of acquaintance
To meet this man and create the strong Union
About me
I love life, it's beautiful! I Wake up early in the morning, admire the beauty of the window, regardless of the time of year, nature is divine beauty, which has no equal. I admire every leaf and flower that blooms in the spring. It is not given to everyone to be able to appreciate such beauty. The man with me will feel the lightness, love, beauty, romance and care. I know how to love, appreciate and respect. I am a great hostess, the best mom your son is not enough the man shoulder that will make me feel like a woman. I think that a real man knows how to do it .
About my partner
Want to meet a man like myself, so we merged as one, and we were good together even in silence. Sitting in cold weather, close together on the sofa with a glass of wine, cuddling under a blanket, watching the fire, we will feel the languor and pleasure. Imagine how we will be great night in each others arms? If this is you, romantic waiting for you!