How Men and Women Compare in Terms of Sex Drive

It is obvious that a man and a woman are creatures from different planets. We strive for different ideals, we have different dreams and different means to achieve our goals. As to sex, there is also a large number of differences. Starting with how we treat sex and ending with how we experience orgasm. People who ignore these differences (to someone they seem "implausible", and someone simply does not know about them because of inexperience), often face problems in sexual life. After all, in order to have a full sex life, it is not enough to know where a man and a woman have their sexual organs and how they interact with each other. One must understand the features of the psychology of men and women when it comes to sexual arousal and the most intimate contact.

Today we will describe these differences in more detail. Firstly, it will help many of us eliminate the conflicts arising on the basis of sexual dissatisfaction, and secondly, now you will know exactly how to get a girl and make her want you for real.

improve sex drive

Sex Drive: How it Works and How to Increase It

Sex drive is the natural desire to have sexual intercourse in order to enjoy and relieve stress. The desire to enter into sexual relations can be a means of self-affirmation or compensation for other activities.

It's no secret that sexual attraction is an individual concept. In some of us it is low sex drive, while others are ready to have sex very often. Most people tend to have sexual intimacy with the opposite sex, but there are those who are attracted to the people of their sex. The intensity of libido in a person can change under the influence of external events or internal states. These differences are explained by the fact that the severity and direction of sexual desire depends on the genetic characteristics, the structure of the brain, the work of the endocrine glands, age, individual personality traits, upbringing.

In order to explain how to increase sex drive we should learn how sexual attraction works first, so we collected for you 7 scientific facts that demonstrate the connection of sexual desire with other functions of the body. So:

1. Sexual desire is regulated by two main types of hormones: testosterone and estrogen. Both hormones are produced in the body of both men and women, but in men there is more testosterone, and in women, estrogens predominate. The latter affect the sex drive much less. Therefore, men are usually more sexually active than women. Their libido is less dependent on health and mood. And in women, the desire for intimacy and excitability depend on the menstrual cycle. The formation of sexual function is also affected by the hormone prolactin - when it increases, the libido decreases and we have no sex drive. In women, this naturally occurs during pregnancy and lactation. In other cases, increased prolactin levels may be a sign of a serious illness in both men and women. In addition, the hormones of the thyroid and adrenal glands also cause high sex drive.

2. A loss of sex drive is not necessarily a pathology, Israeli scientists claim. It's caused by genes. The staff of the University of Jerusalem under the leadership of Richard Ebstein evaluated the attraction and strength of the excitement of 150 young men and women. In addition, all volunteers agreed to the analysis of their DNA structures. It turned out that the level of sexuality is associated with the variant of the D4 gene. Thus, in participants with an increased sexual attraction, one variant of the D4 gene was found in DNA, and in people with a decreased inclination, there was completely another option (by the way, they made up 60% of all participants).

causes of low sex drive 3. Influence of aphrodisiacs. Aphrodisiacs are foods that help kindle the desire. Effective aphrodisiacs are avocados, lobsters, oysters, bananas, chocolates, almonds, hot peppers and others. The effect of aphrodisiacs (viagra) is explained by the content of substances in them, which raise the level of testosterone, improve the blood flow to the genitals, set to the "right wave" before sex. If you want to improve sex drive, these products should be an indispensable part of your diet.

4. The decrease in libido may be due to the intake of hormonal contraceptives. These drugs have an effect on testosterone, the role of which was discussed above. Moreover, the side effect can be observed after some time after stopping their intake. Other causes of low sex drive in both men and women are tranquilizers, antipsychotics, diuretics, some medicines for hypertension and diabetes.

5. The psychological state has a significant influence on the power of libido of both sexes. Puritan education, stress, anxiety, struggle for high social status, conflicts in the family depress testosterone production. Female libido is even more sensitive to mood swings. On the other hand, the feeling of happiness and well-being increases sexual activity.

6. Long-term observations demonstrate another of the seven facts about sexual attraction. Anthropological features of man and the climatic conditions in which he lives also affect the power of sexual attraction. For example, it is believed that the libido of brunettes and short men is stronger than that of blondes and tall people. On the other hand, sexual desire and excitement depend on weight: for thin women they are stronger than for fat ones. The bright sexual temperament of Italians and Armenians (for example, in comparison with the Germans and Estonians) can be related to the warm climate they live. Do not know how to increase your sex drive? Go to warm countries, eat aphrodisiac products and sunbathe as much as you can.

7. Dr. Joram Vardi from the hospital in Haifa (Israel) proposed a method for measuring the human sexual drive. The method is based on monitoring the change in the frequency of brain impulses. In the course of the experiment, scientists compared how much the reaction of the human brain changes while watching pictures with erotic scenes compared to pictures on neutral topics. Usually, sexual desire is not limited to the desire for sexual action, but manifests itself in the need for tenderness, affection, desire for embraces, and so on.

Sex drive: Men vs Women

And now let's talk a little about the differences between men and women sex drive. After all, they really exist and they need to be considered in order to avoid conflicts when we think about why our partner does not want to have sex. After all, these speculations have an extremely strong detrimental effect on the mental health of individuals and on the overall atmosphere in the couple. We tried to simplify scientific research on this topic as much as possible, completely preserving their meaning. So:

1. What do men think about? Of course about sex! In their spare time, of course. Scientific research has shown that men "sail away" in erotic fantasies at least once a day. Someone's fantasies are more vivid, and some are limited to a fleeting contemplation of a random erotic image that arises from an external stimulus (for example, due to the unbuttoned blouse of a pretty colleague). Women think about sex almost half as much. Interesting fact: when men grow older, it's harder for them to perform their sexual function in a couple, but they do not stop fantasizing about warm breasts and slender legs. Female sex drive is not so strong when they get older.

2. In past times female sexual coldness was considered not only biologically normal, but also highly moral, and this empty religious attitude acted as a self-fulfilling prediction. high sex drive in womenFor the sake of justice, it should be said that the process of sexual arousal and its discharge in women is more diverse and individual than that in men.

3. High sex drive in women manifests in the post-menstrual period. It noticeably increases immediately before and during menstruation. On the contrary, in the first 7 days of the second half of the cycle interest in erotica is reduced. So, female libido, as well as masculine, depends on hormonal processes.

4. It should be noted that emotional reactions and localization of erotic sensations in women are more diverse than masculine ones. In most men, sexual sensations are grouped around coitus and end immediately after ejaculation, and preliminary caresses have secondary functions and are done more for the partner than for themselves. In women in the formation of sexual sensations much more erogenous zones are involved, and the stimulation of the clitoris, as a rule, gives stronger sensations than the insertion of penis into the vagina. So, if you want to increase sex drive in women, learn how to caress the clitoris properly.

5. It is believed that the female orgasm is on average longer than the male orgasm, but subjective self-reports and objective measurements on this issue are strongly divergent. In general, the strength and frequency of muscular contractions during an orgasm and the intensity of subjectively experienced feelings in women, as well as men, apparently do not coincide. However, girls with high sex drive reach orgasm much easier and faster, and its quality is much higher than for women whose interest in sex for some reason has decreased.

6. “My boyfriend has no sex drive” - these words sound like a sentence, although many girls pronounce them rashly. If you notice such a problem, do not panic and put a "broken and not recoverable" brand on your beloved . Returning male sex drive is much easier than in case with female one. Prepare his favorite food containing aphrodisiacs, try to create a favorable mental background in your home and do not hesitate to show your sexuality. Male libido is not a wild beast that can one day escape from you into the dark forest, but a tamed, kind dog that needs to be nudged a little in the right direction.

Although there are significant differences between male and female sexuality, these differences are relative and related not only and not so much to biology as to culture. They can not only be taken into account, but also corrected. And this requires a psychological and sexual culture and a rejection of too rigid and simplified sex-role stereotypes.

Breaking gender role prescriptions and stereotypes is difficult for both sexes. If many men continue to focus on a one-dimensional, primitive and in many ways unrealistic pattern, then women's regulatory prescriptions are contradictory. Men expect that every woman is an effective worker and at the same time an ideal wife and mother. That she is not inferior to a man in intelligence and at the same time does not disdain to wash his socks. This attitude is absolutely wrong. If you observe this type of thinking, get rid of it as early as possible and sexual climate in your bedroom will again become perfect.

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